Consultancy for the Film, TV and Live Entertainment Industries


    Our project management services are tailored to capital investments and  technical projects in the entertainment industry. Our comprehensive and holistic services include time, cost and quality control, vendor management, H&S and supervision. We can manage your project from concept to completion and everything in between.

    Design, Engineering & System Integration

      Our team’s unique combination of civil engineering, construction and technical production expertise allows us to communicate effectively across multiple disciplines. Our services include lighting, network, power, suspension, camera tracking design, assessment and specification all while liaising with our partner design teams to ensure civil infrastructure integrates seamlessly with the technical elements of your project.

      Tendering &

      Have a big tender and need a consultant or maybe you are planning to submit a response to a large RFP/RFT and need extra resources? We can help you source vendors and design teams, build a specification, Bill of Quantity or Bill of Materials, commercial and H&S documents in accordance with your internal practices.

      Commercial Investment Appraisal & Feasibility Studies

      Planning an investment but unsure of the potential commercial risks/rewards? Need a feasibility study? We work with you to assess the performance of a capital investment over a fixed period based on our knowledge and understanding of the entertainment markets. Our assessments typically include variable utilisation and revenue assessments to determine the best NPV, Cost Benefit Ratio, ROI and Sensitivity Analysis of capital investments in order to guide you to the best procurement method for your project.

      BUMPER Consulting is your full-service consulting partner

      At BUMPER, we pride ourselves on customer service and diligence. Our team includes fully qualified civil engineers, project managers, lighting designers and network technicians. We're uniquely qualified within the industry and one of very few companies with significant experience in modern technologies around Virtual Production and Mixed Reality LED Volumes.

      We work with our clients to understand their needs and deliver:

      We promise to bring our wealth of experience and insight from international Film, TV and Theatre projects and apply it to your solution.

      If you have a project you want to discuss, please get in touch.


      Projects our team has helped become reality

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